
Kami no rhapsody save fuwanovel
Kami no rhapsody save fuwanovel

kami no rhapsody save fuwanovel

If you're looking for a game close to Rogue, play it, yes, it's very close. We hope you enjoy this wacky post-apocalypse! The story unfolds as you try to find out who you were, why you died, and how your fate is intertwined with that girl's. Soon, you meet a girl about to be shipped off to an arranged marriage that she doesn't want. You start the game dead and are soon revived by a mad scientist, but you have no memory of how you died or who you are. Lots and lots of tanks, which you can freely customize. The games are basically open-world, with not too much in the way of story most of the time, instead focusing on entertaining NPC dialogue and side quests, an interesting world to explore, and TANKS.

kami no rhapsody save fuwanovel kami no rhapsody save fuwanovel

They combine traditional JRPG gameplay with the free-form progression typical of CRPGs.


The Metal Max series is a long-running but little-known JRPG series, at least in the west. The original Metal Max 3 trailer with English subtitles After 5 years and thousands of hours of work, Metal Dreamers is proud to present a complete, and fully playable English translation of Crea-Tech's Metal Max 3 for the Nintendo DS.

Kami no rhapsody save fuwanovel